5 Simple Strategies to Launch Your Speaking Business in 30 days or less

Step 1: Engage Audience so they identify with you

– you want them to say “Mee too”

–  when you create or evoke an emotional response people you will become a powerful and PAID speaker

Make sure the title of your talk is transformational and the result is obvious so people can say OMG I need this!

Step 2. Speak for free to get in front of your ideal client – Offer a product to deepen the experience of the audience

Many companies don’t have a large speaker fee but if they have a lot of people you can sell your product and make money from that! You want companies to pay for you but if they can not, make sure you pay attention to the opportunity to sell products.

Also try to have everyone sign a sign-in sheet and get their email so you can market to them later!

Step 3:

Offer Teleclasses or Webinars featuring your teleseminars. You don’t have to wait to get booked, you can book yourself. You can either do a free preview or do a paid class!

You can even have pieces of the teleseminar recorded as video sample!

Step 4:

Using video or a blog to spread your business and get your message out! Release a 3 to 5 minute video once a week.  Darnyelle says 25% of her clients come from people who have seen her on youtube. You can also get footage from your speaking engagements and post it on youtube and people get a taste of what you do! Don’t be afraid to share your best content during the video.

What video can I create within the next week that can get me known.

Step 5: Create a Speaker page on your website, your bio, and your business cards.

If you can create a great face to face interaction with people who work for companies who hire speakers… you can get a booking on the spot!

Last tips:

You need to have a specific speaking topic: mine is health & wellness/ empowerment

Who do you want to share that with: women, church, corporate

Get your marketing material together: you need a speaker one sheet… it is a one page sheet with a picture, talk title (3-5 in one or two areas), testimonials, indorcements from leaders, bio, logo from organizations that you are a part of!

speaker outline – one title per outline … a paragraph of the talk details, your bio

have video footage prepared – at least 15 minutes long so people can see how you interact with audiences over a certain period of time!

What is your secret sauce – what makes you different

HUG – what is your Hot undeniable Gift

Script to get booked:

Hi my name is…. and I help …. so that they can ….. I am a pro speaker and my signature talk is called …… so I show women how to ……..

Do you accept outside speakers….. I

5 Simple StratYour Speaking Business in 30 days or less

new information

Spiritual COP 10/19/2011

10/19 – with Allen

How to get out of the EGO and into the SOUL

4 LEVELS of engagement:

Issue: Weight Loss

Drama Level (over the top emotionally): OMG I am having so much trouble to lose weight . I hate living inside my body. I want to die… I am dieing on the inside anyway. Maybe I’ll just have liposuction.  I am going to be so embarrassed when February comes and i don’t lose weight

How this feel: you feel powerless, fast breathing mind does not stop, tension in throat, feels more energized (this energy can be addictive because it makes you feel empower and strong), you focus on other people.

Situation Level (give the facts and a possible solution): I have been trying to lose weight and I am becoming desperate. I have to lose 40 pounds in the next 4 months so I have to find a solution.  What i can do is take weight loss pills to give me a boost and also eat about 2000 CLEAN calories a day everyday including weekends. But i don’t want anyone to know I am taking weight loss pills

How this feels: left brain overload, guilt, pressure, start to feel organized and empowered, still trying to find quick fix, realizing you want to get out of the drama, unsure if strategy is good enough, you feel progress and may stop at this level.

Choice Level (it is not what are my choices, it is about who i choose to be in relation to the problem: I became overweight because I have overeaten, I have not lost weight because i have not committed 100%. I am now going to be honest with myself and not expect to get results that I did not earn

How this feels: peaceful and calming, self acceptance and awareness, it can be a bit scary because there is more responsibility and honest here, freedom, releasing the burden, the blame game comes to an end here

Opportunity (there is a gift here, something positive to take away from this challenge): The struggle is necessary for me to be able to sustain my accomplishment… my weight loss and new life style. It is also necessary to go through this so I can relate to others who share this same struggle. If it was always easy for me to lose weight or if I never had more than 20 pounds to lose , I would not be able to help all those who struggle.  I need this challenege and the discipline that comes with accomplishing this goal

How this feels: Clearity, pressure is released, more thoughtful, that there is a greater power in charge, go with the flow, turning around the role that i played in this issue

After looking at the 4 stages, who do I chose to be? I chose to be honest, intentional, disciplined, committed, empowered, I am not helpless, I am in control (for other: acceptance, less emotionally attached, that energy can now be used to help find a solution)

How has my relationship to this situation changed? I no longer resent the situation, I am grateful for the challenge because I know i will be able to help someone else

How can this be helpful as a coach:

This exercise is a way to help clients go from blame to responsibility… it allows us to know where our clients are emotionally…

Allen created this tool because he got tired of seeing coaches “coach the drama” instead of making progress. This tool helps the client release the emotional covering and helps to uncover what the root cause of the issue “really” is.

I just had a coaching session and the only thing that was used was this tool. It allows for purity in coach… there was no leading by the coach… the client was able to come up with their answers

Allens’s book: Create a world that works… this tool is the first coaching tool in that book and there are many others

Allen’s website: http://www.transformationalpresence.org/

Tools and Assesments 10/5 Rob 8p

Rob’s list of tools and assesments:


Cherly Richardson – Life Makeovers

John Whitmore – Coactive coaching

Cheryl Richardson youtube






louise hays


mlp technique by jamie smart


It’s winter time …

The snow is falling outside but somedays it feels colder inside my home than it is outside.

On days like this, I’m left longing for a warm place, where I can feel the sun on my skin,  go back to my roots, and indulge in exotic fruits.

On days like this I long for Trinidad. I wish I could feel his gentle breeze blow through my hair, the sweet taste of his coconut water on my lips, the soothing sound of his calypso that makes me sway my hips…  Sending sweet vibes through my spine as I feel the rhythym of his steel pan.

Not a day goes by during these cold months where I don’t think about Trinidad’s heat. My heart beats as I day dream about the next time we’ll meet.

What is it about Trinidad that always leaves me wanting more. Is it the thought of having an experience that I’ve never had before. Is it the chance to open the door on a taboo love affair. Or is it the injection of energy I get by just being there!

I may never have the answer to these questions that are plaguing me but all I know is I can’t wait until the next time I feel Trinidad’s rhythm all over me.

Coaching notes – Angella F. –


Was coached on friends changing after she got married

9/15  7:00p for 45 minutes

Wants to talk about finding time to go to the gym .

A feels upset because she is not going to the gym.

She is not exercising because: of ICA classes , not feeling inspired,

Ideal: exercising 3 days for an hour

A is inspired to go to the gym because she set a goal to lose weight by December… her clothes are too tight and she has refused to buy new clothes!

She wants to feel better.

9/19/2011 11a 45 minutes

– Coaching around ICA program

Nervous about coaching for the first time

9/21 5p 45 minutes

Concerned about husband going to work in family islands. Afraid to tell husband how she really feels.

she has lived in current home since – 9 months since she got married

Had a breakthrough after we did a worse case scenario exercise and she discovered that her problems were bot as bad as she thought they were


-Began exercising with her husband

-Trying to figure out how to be consistant, cardio and strength

– One of her core values is health, does not want to have health problems like her mom,

– Looking for Balance and the ability to wear certain clothes and confidence in appearance

Balance brings happiness and spells success

wearing different clothes will stop her from having to Wear clothes that she doesn’t want to wear

confidence in her appearance is important because she wants to not be concerned about how she looks when she goes certain places and want to feel free to go anywhere and wear anything!

Weighs 129 pounds! Wants to weigh 125

Creativity – 9/15 & 22 – 4p

Sometimes when you are rehearsed it prevents you from being creative

Action vs. Delay 9/14 and 21 – 10p – leon vanderpool

exercise: write three things that you are delaying and putting off

1. booking a speaking engagement – how do you know? because I know it is something that I need to do , i feel anxious when I think about it

2. Letting go of the past – how do you know? because it is a destructive behavior and I can not be successful with this in my life

3. Commiting 100% to weight loss – how do you know? I want it more than anything but I can’t seem to stay on board more than 3 days at a time!

The second half of the class we coached Roman

Sometimes we can delay things in our life and sabotage our goals because we don’t feel we are deserving.

Sometimes there are goals behind goals.  For example the original goal may be to lose weight but the real goal is actually to extend your life to spend more time with family or to not be embarrassed in a situation where you know you will have to show a lot of skin!!!

Respect vs. Validation 10p July 7&14 – Angela & Leon

July 7th – I coached for the first time

July 14th-

The self-respect you guy yourself is a gift to another… likewise the invalidation that you have from yourself can often times be the invalidation to project onto others

Why do people feel the need to invalidate?  Many times we invalidate others when they express or share opinions that go against our core values.

Many times we invalidate others so that we can feel significant

As a coach if we feel like our client is talking about someone and invalidating someone then our goal is to bring them back to a place where they are focusing on themselves. The idea is the coach can not help change someone he is not coaching.

Another good way to bring this to the clients attention is to ask how the comments the client is making helps them reach their goal.

Is it sometimes necessary to seoarate the person from the behavior? Sometimes good people do not so good things.

When parents are disciplining sometimes they call their childre bad, but is the child bad or is what the child did was bad?

Responsibility vs Blame – 10p 6/28 – Leon – 9/15 10:15p

In this class we talked about Forgiveness:

Forgiveness gives us an opportunity to take control of the offense or the situation and move into a space of healing and resolution.

How can we get the client to move on from a place of blame:

-acknowledging feelings could help someone move on

– admitting the role you played in the incident that is bothering you can help you take control

Is it appropriate to just tell your client that they are blaming others?

Your client could potentially get very defensive.

You could potentially share with the client… “your goal is x,y,and z… so how does blaming someone else help you to accomplish x,y,and z.


in what areas am i taking responsibility??? how do i know i am being responsible? What effect does being responsible have on my life?

Many times we blame and decide to not be responsible because we like drama and attention… we get to throw a pity party and have lots of being feel sorry for us.

Blaming is also a way of trying to avoid punishment and we learn from a young age to say not me so we don’t get in trouble.

Taking responsibility gives you control!